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I basically have six months of blogging to catch up on, whoops.

Life has been a little crazy since moving to Tennessee! Rory and Etsy keep me very busy and Steven works hard and a lot! Even though it’s been busy, we have been absolutely loving it here. Great weather, great friends, great life!

Let’s take it way back to Thanksgiving! Steven and I got to go over to my parents house on the other side of Tennessee for a few days and it was so nice. I am always so happy to see family and my parents have the coolest house and land and it’s really fun to get to visit them.

On top of that my family got to meet Rory! She loved having all of the kids around. It was such a joy to see my parents, a couple of siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins, and grandparents. I’m loving living close enough to drive to my parents.

Now it’s time for Christmas! The three of us went to Steven’s sister’s house in Arkansas and it was really fun. Two of Steven’s sisters and their families were there and it was so fun to spend some time with them. We ate lots of good food, played lots of games, and had lots of fun exploring Bentonville.

Everything else after Christmas has been Memphis fun and a quick Nashville trip. There's a lot to do here and we are slowly, but surely getting to all of it! I honestly don't know what to write about all of it, so here are a bunch of pictures for you to see what we have been up to.

Sincerely, Shelby

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